"Separation of church and state in Australia"
Thursday, 19 May from 6-7.30pm
Conference Room of the Duhig Library (UQ, St Lucia Campus)
Speakers: A representative of the Australian Secular Lobby, plus Professor Fred D'Agostino (UQ School of Philosophy), Professor Nick Aroney (UQ Law School) and hopefully a representative from the Australian Catholic University although that is yet to be confirmed.
They hope to canvas the opinion of the guest speakers on the questions of:
1. Is freedom of religion sufficiently protected in Australia?
2. Should religious organisations that discriminate on the basis of their religious beliefs receive funding from the government?
3. Should religious organisations receive tax-exempt status or should tax-exemption be limited to directly charitable purposes?
They also intend on having a brief question and answer session at the end of the panel discussion. So essentially, the first 45 minutes to an hour will be hearing from the panelists on these issues and the panelists will be able to respond to what the other panelists have said and the remaining time will be opened up so that people from the audience can ask questions of the panel.